Religion for Atheists?

Dinner with Christians in New Zealand

The world has lost its bearings. Not that ideologies are lacking, to give directions: only that they lead nowhere. People are going round in circles in the cage of their planet, because they have forgotten that they can look up to the sky… Because all we want is to live, it has become impossible for us to live. Just look around you!

-Eugene Ionesco, founder of the theater of the absurd, 1972

I recently read Alain de Botton WSJ op-ed article entitled “Religion for Everyone.”

In it he suggests importing the Christian love (agape) feast into secular society to remedy the threatened and waning sense of community apparent in postmodern life.

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Why Can’t Science and Faith be Friends?

A thousand times over, the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the inscription cut on the tombstone, and the committal read. But somehow the corpse never stays put.[1]

–Bernard Ramm

Despite many eminent scientists, who know a whole lot more than the rest of us, who have not merely ceded to the idea of God being plausible or necessary but have fully embraced Him, the friendship between science and faith still seems to be tenuous.

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