Timeline of Witness Lee’s Life

Witness Lee’s life is like his ministry—epic, inspiring, and vast. His work of preaching, teaching, and establishing churches spanned multiple continents, just like his printed works span multiple bookshelves. His collected works, not including his biblical commentaries, include 138 volumes. But while many have a passing acquaintance with his name or a single book of his, few know the story of his life.

In many ways, the stories of the saints of the past—the cloud of witnesses—strengthen us to faithfulness in a way that their teachings can’t quite match, no matter how much light they provide. As someone once said: “A message moves your heart, a testimony moves your feet.” Augustine’s dramatic conversion in the garden, Luther’s unwavering stance at the Diet of Worms, and Barth’s thunderous “No” to theological liberalism are compellingly told in plenty of books. Lee’s story, however, remains largely unknown, although like Augustine, Luther, and Barth it is highly dramatic in both context and content. It takes place during a time of great upheaval—the Second Sino-Japanese war that bled right into the rise of communism in China and then the countercultural movement of the 1960s in the U.S. He was at the center of one of the greatest religious awakenings in the history of Christianity. His life and work were played out on the stage of the world like a Wagner opera—full-scale and fervent—not in the quiet confines of a lecture hall. Both of his primary contexts (China and the U.S.) were ones of conflict, revolution, and change. To a certain extent this is fitting, since his theological project itself involved conflict and change, working in the spirit of Luther to revolutionize the church’s life and practice in light of God’s word.

Although he recounted aspects of it numerous times in messages or fellowships, an official biography has never been published in English. Below is a timeline of the major events of his life that I put together for those who want to understand him in his context and get an overall impression of his life and work. You can download it as a PDF too.



Robert Morrison, the first Protestant missionary, arrives in China


M.E. Barber moves to Foochow as a missionary


The Boxer Rebellion to rid China of “foreign devils” begins; 32,000 Christians killed; Lee’s mother hides her Christian books and escapes to the mountains to survive


5 August: Lee is born near Chefoo, China to Lee Kuo Chung and Lee Sun Lian Chi; grows up in a poor, Christian family, the sixth of seven children; attends Sunday school in the Southern Baptist church


Studies writings of Confucius and Mencius; at 15 begins to despise Christianity, stops attending the Baptist church; loves soccer and Chinese operas


Watchman Nee establishes the first local church, in Foochow


Father, a farmer, dies in Changchun, Manchuria


A local pastor visits him for a few months; begins meeting with the Chinese Independent Church (February)

25 April: saved through Peace Wang’s preaching on Satan’s usurpation in the world (Exodus 1); walking home, devotes his life to the Lord to preach the gospel from village to village, “even if I must live on tree roots and drink from mountain brooks”

Summer: reads the Bible in two months; discovers Nee’s writings in a local Christian paper; subscribes to Nee’s magazine The Christian (1st issue published in Nov); begins correspondence with Nee about his Bible questions


Attends junior college run by American Presbyterians (for 1.5 years); studies English, writes thesis on imperialism, graduates; works as an accountant in a large, foreign firm


Begins meeting with the Brethren (Newton branch) to study the Bible, seven times a week for 7.5 years; mainly typology and prophecy


Delivers first spoken message, in the Chinese Independent Church; at the end of the year, elected to be a board member, but declines and leaves the denominations


Marries first wife, Yung-hsiang; they have eight children together


M.E. Barber dies (February); Nee’s library has grown to 3,000+ Christian classics

Baptized with the Brethren


August: convicted by the Lord that, despite his knowledge, he is cold, dead, and fruitless; prays on a mountain by his house every morning for seven months to be revived


July: Nee visits Chefoo to give a conference at Lee’s invitation; first meeting with Nee; Lee is profoundly affected; leaves the Brethren; raises up a local church in Chefoo, increases from 11-100 in first year; regularly speaks four messages per week


August: leaves job to preach full time after a 21-day struggle; Nee writes him a letter from a ship in the Mediterranean asking him to consider this very thing, postmarked August 17; “this letter became a turning point in my life”

October: visits Nee in Shanghai for four months; Nee gives him Darby’s Synopsis of the Books of the Bible and Alford’s New Testament for English Readers, helps him know church history and the Lord in the way of life, asks him “What is patience?”; Lee preaches on John 16:8-11 with Nee listening behind the door


Moves to Shangai to begin working with Nee; sees the “one flow” in Acts


Japan invades China (July 1937); Second Sino-Japanese War begins


October: returns to Chefoo to move his family from the war zone; temporarily trapped there in Japanese-occupied territory


Preaches in various places in northern China; a sister gives him a large sum of money to go to the U.S.; Lee has no intention to go; she tells him to save it for when he does


Has a vision of the Body of Christ at Nee’s Shanghai conference (August); Nee tells Lee “we have the blueprint” (April); doesn’t see or hear from Nee for six years after this


December: 100 day revival in Chefoo from practicing Nee’s blueprint—“the whole Body serving,” “the practicality of the church life,” one-on-one shepherding


Nee forced to stop his ministry for six years


May: imprisoned, tortured, interrogated for a month by Japanese Army on political suspicion; spiritual dream of “a broad highway, a rising sun, and a boundless horizon”; “the real story started from that dream”


October: escapes to Tsingtao to recover from tuberculosis developed from imprisonment; has a vision of the tree of life, new central focus of his ministry (age 40)


April: mother dies in Chefoo


October: reunites with Nee in Shanghai; works to recover Nee’s ministry (March 1948)


May: sent out of China by Nee so that their vision and work will survive; lives with family of ten in 280 sf Japanese-style house; experiences depression and insomnia

August: starts the work in Taiwan; prevailing gospel preaching

Mao Zedong forms the People’s Republic of China (October)


February: last meeting with Nee; they work together for 1.5 months in Hong Kong


Spends four months per year ministering in the Philippines; raises up 100 churches


Nee is imprisoned by the Communist party until his death (May 30, 1972)


Officially assumes the ministry of the word from Nee; begins to hold comprehensive trainings on truth, life, the church, and the gospel; “the best training was in 1953”: a 16 week training that included The Experience of Life and The Knowledge of Life


Churches in Taiwan grow from 400 to 40,000 in first five years

1955 / 57

T. Austin-Sparks visits Taiwan twice; on second visit, disagreement over view of the church


April-October: round the world trip to observe state of Christianity; first visit to U.S.; wife needs serious medical treatment in NYC (July); visits T. Austin-Sparks in London


24 April: wife dies from a liver illness


February: marries second wife, Pao-ye; second trip to U.S.


Writes 85 hymns in Chinese in two months


Moves to the U.S.; December: prays with two brothers from 8:30-noon for 21 days for the Lord’s move in the U.S.; first major conference in the U.S. last ten days of the year in a house living room: The All-Inclusive Christ; “during that conference, the Lord’s work exploded”; begins traveling around the country to speak


Writes 200 hymns in English


Establishes Living Stream Ministry


Elden Hall era; pray-reading and calling on the Lord take off; “in spirit, on the ground”


Launches strategic migrations across the U.S. to spread the church life to ten cities


Begins 21 year study of the Bible called Life-Study in Anaheim: Genesis (April) and Romans (December); 100-day preparation for 10-day trainings, three messages per day


Opposition from Christian Research Institute and Spiritual Counterfeits Project


Lawsuits over libel


Speaks messages on God’s New Testament Economy: “the consummation of what the Lord has shown us in His recovery”; returns to Taiwan to study “God-ordained way” to meet and serve (October); finishes Life-Study of the New Testament with Acts (December)


Publishes the New Testament Recovery version with footnotes; revised 1991

1986 / 88

Establishes full-time training centers in Taiwan and U.S.; door-knocking; 40,000 people baptized


Culminates study on God-ordained way with The Advance of the Lord’s Recovery Today


Sends workers to Russia for the gospel after Soviet Union collapses; 65 churches planted by 1997


Begins speaking on “the vital groups” as the way to carry out the God-ordained way


February: writes a new hymn, “What Miracle! What Mystery!”; begins speaking on “the high peak of the divine revelation” and “the new revival”

August: begins “crystallization-study” of the Bible with Romans


July: finishes Life-Study of the Old Testament with Song of Songs


February: last public conference

9 June: dies (age 91) in Anaheim


Text only edition of Holy Bible Recovery Version is published


Holy Bible Recovery Version with footnotes is published


The Collected Works of Witness Lee are published (138 volumes)

7 thoughts on “Timeline of Witness Lee’s Life

  1. Thank you for publish to our brother, A Timeline of Witness Lee’s Life. It is helpful to me the history of our brother and the works of the Lord.


  2. Thank you brother Kyle for putting all of this together. I have heard much of it before, but I enjoyed seeing it in your timeline. The ministry that our brothers Née and Lee gave to us is a constant supply for the Lord gain us more and more each day. Praise the Lord!


    • Your welcome! It was an enriching exercise to attempt to put it together. I wish I had included citations for some of the lesser known details. I still may go back and add them one day, many of which may be found in CWWL 1981, vol 2, first available in English in 2015.


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