Why did Methuselah live so long?

There is a dynamic interplay in the story of Noah that has intrigued me recently.

Methuselah’s age as recorded in the Bible has become the stuff of trivia, factoid, debate. But have you ever wondered why he was the one who lived the longest?

Methuselah’s name is significant. It means, “when he dies, it will be sent.” The it, of course, being the flood. This means that Noah wasn’t the only one to get the revelation concerning the destiny of the world. His great grandfather Enoch did too. Once Enoch saw this revelation, he began to walk with God.

Revelation changes us.

It has the power to radically alter our life habits, to the point where our friends may wonder if we are the same person as before.

Noah in a sense inherited the revelations of the godly men before him. Noah was born into something that was already set in motion by God. He came on the scene right in the midst of it. Then God came in and revealed the situation to him and also the way of salvation.

That must have been a decisive moment in his life. The impact of the revelation must have been staggering. To put it in Watchman Nee’s words, he saw “a world under water.” How could he live the same? In a sense, that moment defined him. His life could be dived by the before and after. This revelation produced a deep inward realization about everything.

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Perspective on the Mission of the Church: Noah

Recently I’ve been considering the mission of the church from the lens of Noah’s life and work.

Jesus Himself reveals how relevant the story of Noah is today.

For just as the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. –Matt. 24:37

Noah’s living and work parallels and prefigures the critical aspects of the church’s mission in view of Christ’s return.

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